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Peter Binó

 Silence, peace and relaxation is what I am looking for in the nature. Since I was a boy I was fascinated by the nature, I have often watched documentaries about animals on TV. My first steps into the countryside were in the company of my father for mushroom picking or backpacking trips to the nearby surroundings of Žilina in Mala Fatra. Unforgettable were the trips in Tatras or holidays spent in Velka Fatra. All of this has shaped me.

 First contacts with the wild animals were made led by my photocoleague Marian Michel. Brought up in a hunter’s family he had plenty of knowledge about the behaviour of the common species. His stories have always fascinated me and it has led to more and more frequent excursions into the countryside. Since 2006 i have tried to capture our enjoyment with video camera, later with a compact camera. However, systematically I started to take pictures only after, with the Canon 500D SLR. I became addicted to the photographing from that moment. Studying and monitoring the Internet portals also changed my angle of view of the pictures. It was no more just a mindless picture-snapping of everything that moves in the vicinity.

 In addition to taking photos of animals in their natural habitat I began to capture the land in which they live - from fields and meadows to the alpine environment during hiking.

 Special moments in the early morning and late evening, and moreover the pleasant experience of all-day trips u can enjoy in the gallery or while reading the stories.

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